Tuesday, January 12, 2016

A one handed blog post.

Hello. I think it will have to be a short one tonight, I'm having to do this one handed. Why? My left arm is a cushion for an elderly moggy, Bugsy insists on lying across it. He is purring like a diesel engine. Not a lot of excitement today. I woke early at 4.30am and took a while to get back to sleep again. I really should have got up because I didn't wake again until 8am, half the day gone. The morning was spent painting blocks of wood and thinking about how it is going to fit together. I have a plan, it should work.

Me and Rocky had our usual bimble to the church and back, a walk that takes half an hour. He enjoys the sniffing. I see someone has removed the broken wire rubbish bin sited next to the seat. This has looked an eyesore for a long time so I am pleased to see it gone. The post is still there, firmly fixed to the ground, I hope they are going to take it away and not bring another bin to put there. There are bins at all three entrances, so anyone leaving the churchyard can deposit their rubbish in one of those.

I popped to the retail park for an hour this afternoon. It's not far, only three miles.On the way I called into the Cash and Carry and stocked up on the 20p cartons of rice milk, and the 30p packets of linseeds. I bought a bag of Kelkin High Protein Granola, 380 grm, for £1. Not had it before, I will put it in the mini chopper with the fruit and nuts, for my breakfast.

I had another appointment at the docs at 5pm in the next village. The wart on my cheek is still there albeit slightly smaller. More ointment was dabbed on and he said I should come back in ten days for another treatment if it is still there. I don't know, what a lot of faffing. The doc says they are not allowed to cut it out because it is on my face, if it was anywhere else on my body they could take the knife to it. Sounds barmy to me.

I popped into the small Tesco after the docs, managed to get three packets of six wholemeal bread buns for 15p each. The rest of the yellow stickers were not worth having. Not much in the Co op either, just a punnet of grapes at half price.

I had to wait for the rain to stop tonight before I could do my three miles. That's why I'm a bit late doing this. I can feel myself getting fitter, my energy levels are rising. I saw a man I have seen before, he always walks fast by himself. Me being nosy I got talking to him because he was going the say way I was. His stride was longer than mine so he was a good pacemaker. A bit further on I saw a friend with his black labrador. The dog knows me and gets excited when he sees me. Unfortunately I had no treats in my pocket, I must remember to take a few with me because you can bet your bottom dollar that I will see a dog at some point on the walk.

I'll sign off now, I think Rocky may want to go out for a short walk up the street. I'll have to untangle myself from this cat. Thanks for popping in. Catch up soon.
Toodle pip.  

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