Friday, January 1, 2016

Just checking in

Hello. Just a short popping in post tonight. I've had a fabby day with my Aunt and cousins in Nottingham, have eaten too much, the food was great, cousin Kerry is a good cook and hostess. It was lovely to sit down at a table and share dinner and tea with the family. They make me feel very welcome.

I was late back so I have to confess, I HAVE NOT DONE A WALK TODAY! OMG what a let down I am. Here's me the leader of the walking group and I have hardly put one foot in front of the other today. I will make up for it, promise.

I have just sorted through loads of comments, it's great to see some of you report getting off to a good start. There were a few last minute joiners, I have added the names to the list.

It's fast approaching midnight, so I'll say Goodnight, I'm ready for my bed.
Thanks for popping in. Catch up soon. Toodle pip

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