Saturday, January 2, 2016

Happy Blogging Birthday

Hello and welcome, I see we have some new kids on the block, come on in. Today we are partying, Bloggy is 8 years old. Whooopeeeeee.

I've been looking back picking out random posts to read, I got quite into it. I hope this is still floating around in cyberspace when I am in my care home, I will be able to look back and think, oooh, that's me.

This morning I got out for my walk, it had been raining then it stopped, so I thought let's get it done. Only trouble is walking around the village in the daytime means that people want to stop and talk. I happened to meet someone I hadn't seen for a few years and it added twenty minutes onto my usual time. It was nice to have a catch up, I used to walk her dog, and little Teddy the Westie remembered me and was wagging his tail and jumping for joy. Half way round it started raining and I was a bit wet when I got back.

These are the preferred furball sleeping arrangements at the moment. Heidi seems to like the bath. I thought she would have been put off this since getting a soaking when she unexpectedly jumped in while it was full of water. I have put one of the pet quilts in I made to make it more comfortable. This has put a stop to me saving the bath water to flush the toilet with for the time being, till she moves on and finds somewhere else.

I was searching all over for Mayze and found her in the office room which I don't use as an office any more. There is a box of street maps covered in a blanket, behind the door. This is her hidey hole. Mind you, I've found her sleeping among my sweatshirts in the cupboard in the bedroom a few times if I have left the door ajar. Now I've got cat hairs all over my clothes, serves me right.

Bugsy is settled camped out in his suitcase bed in the living room. He only has to get up on a chair and table to eat his food, and the litter box is nearby as well. Eeeee, tis a good life being a pampered puss.

Here are some of the pressies I got yesterday. Colouring in is all the rage now and I have a book and pencils to get started. Also two packs of embroidery threads came my way, they will be useful.

A tin of shortbread biscuits, the tin will make a nice container to keep. I think I have seen this on another blog, someone else had one, but I can't remember who.

I picked up a copy of Stitch magazine at the newsagents today. What a rip off, it has jumped up from £4.20 to £4.99. I don't think I will be getting many more of those.

Has everyone found the new page. The names of those taking part in the 1000 miles challenge are listed, I will be adding any updates which come in. You don't have to report back every day, just a little note on how you are getting on if you like, and the total at the end of the month, will be fine.

I am trying to get this artificial flower hanging basket finished. Not much more to do. A few more flowers to make. Dinner time now, still chomping my way through the yellow stickers. Salad and more salad. Won't need to go shopping for a while. I'll sign off now, getting a bit peckish, need food.

Thanks for popping in. Catch up soon. Toodle pip

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