Friday, January 4, 2013

Designing fun

Thought I would give the pics a try this morning, still not uploading on Compose mode. I don't usually work on HTML mode, would rather see the pics appear on the screen instead of a load of letters and numbers. It's easier to separate the pics and insert text between them when you can actually see them. But hey ho, they are here now, we find a way round these things.
The pics are of the front cover of a monthly newsletter I used to publish. I composed the whole lot on my computer, usually 20 - 30 pages, then sent the master copy to a printer, easier that way. I got the loose leaves back and collated and stapled it all together. I really enjoyed doing this, it satisfied my creative leanings.
The pictures I lifted from an extensive clip art programme I had, then I played around with it and inserted speech and thought bubbles, and gave the characters a few words. It appealed to my silly sense of humour. The reference to Dianne on the first one is me, I didn't use my real name. I hope these give you a little titter.

I love the way you can use a computer for all sorts of things, it certainly opened up a whole new world for me. I love the way you can make posters and leaflets, play around with photo's, and design logo's. I remember it was not so long ago that I used to sit with a man who printed teeshirts, and a man who printed posters, while they played around with my proposed designs on their own computers, manipulating the pictures and text untill it was to my liking. Now I can bypass all that and sit here at home and do it all myself. Amazing, and such fun. 
Toodle pip.  

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