Thursday, January 17, 2013

From the Heart by Kym Marsh. Book review

Why Howdy, mighty glad you could drop by. Hey, do you like that, I'm trying out a bit of my American on you, just so my friends over the pond feel at home here :o) I think we Brits might do things a bit differently sometimes, if any of my lingo is confusing, I am happy to translate. Someone asked what are jelly cubes. Fruity jelly comes in a packet of 12 cubes joined together in a small slab. You pull them apart and put them in a bowl, then add a pint of boiling water, and stir them till they all melt. Then you can either decant the liquid jelly into smaller dishes, or leave it in the big one, to set. You can add fruit, or sponge to make a trifle. I do believe you can get jelly in granules now, I can't be sure because I haven't bought any for donkeys years, (that's a long time). When I used to make jelly for my mother, it always turned out a bit sloppy, because I ate a cube when she wasn't looking, ha ha.  
It is so nice to have a good choice of food in my fridge again. I don't mind running it down now and then and eating out of the cupboards and freezer, it helps me to keep a check on exactly what I have in. So here we are, back to eating fresh again. This was my lunch today. A two egg omlette, filled with spinach and garlic, with a sprinkle of grated cheese, on a bed of raw spinach, dotted with pesto.
It was so darn good, I had to take another pic, half way through eating it, ha ha. 
My dinner tonight was steamed vegetables. Cauliflower, baby sweetcorn, green beans, carrots, broccoli, and parsnips. Again dotted with pesto. I love pesto, but I don't buy it at the horrendously expensive price of £2.40 for a little pot, I wait for it to be reduced to 24p  :o) 
I went to town this afternoon, because the weather forecast says we are all going to be snowed in by tomorrow, and we won't be able to travel anywhere as the roads will be completely blocked with twenty foot snow drifts. I went to pay my credit card bill at the bank, and take my latest artyfarty robot/spaceship to show them at the Arts Centre. They were well impressed. I had a look at the latest exhibitions while I was there. One of them is absolutely amazing, the other is quirky and fun. I couldn't stay long because I was on a one hour free parking, but I will go back and take some photo's to put on here.
I'll just write a few notes about this book I have finnished reading. Some of you will remember Kym Marsh taking part in the first reality show called 'Popstars'. She was picked out of thousands who auditioned to become a member of  the band Hear' Say. The book begins with her childhood, she was constantly bullied at school about her size, which led to an eating disorder, then she fell in love and found herself pregnant at the age of 17.
I can remember the controversey when it all came out that she had two children while working away with Hear' Say. Her parents encouraged her to go for the audition because she had always loved singing. They supported her by looking after the children while she was touring.
Kym comes across as a very down to earth person. Because she was a single mum living on benefits for a while, she was determined that she was going to do what ever she had to do to make a better life for her children. After she left Hear' Say she pursued a solo career for a while, then she found some acting parts and decided that this was the direction she wanted to go in. Eventually she was lucky enough to be auditioned for a part in Coronation Street. Kym's relationship with Jack Ryder broke down, and she eventually found love again with Jamie Lomas. They went through great sadness when the baby Kym was carrying was born premature. Archie was born alive but died immediately, that part had me in tears, it must be the worst thing a woman ever has to go through. In 2011 another pregnancy showed signs of going the same way, but with the dedication of the doctors, and Kym's friends and family, they were able to delay the birth, and their daughter Polly was born fit and well. 
Sorry, I have given you a bit more than a book review there, hope I haven't spoilt it for you if you decide to read it. I would say, if you like Kym in Coronation Street, this is a good book to read. I kept hearing her voice in my head while I was reading it. She writes as though she is chatting to you, it's like having a good natter with a friend. There is a lot of emotion in it, but it's not too hard going.

Adios amigo's, catch you tomorrow.

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