Monday, January 28, 2013

Rug of many colours

I've been a busy little bee today, and the raggy rug is finished, yippeeeeeee :o) As soon as I had eaten my porridge this morning I made a start, with only two outer edges left to finish, I thought I would keep on going to the bitter end. The weather has been pretty dire, windy as heck and it's still cold, then the rain came, so I'm best staying indoors.
I had to stop and cut more strips, then just before the end when I only had a little bit left to do, and only two colours left, I had to stop again and cut a few more strips of different colours. I quickened my pace and sprinted towards the finish, it's a bit like walking a long walk actually. When you can see the end in sight, that is motivation enough to keep going. The measurements are 45 inches by 38 inches, and it's taken me nine days to make it.
This is the back, I think this side looks nice as well. I won't be sewing another backing onto it, it doesn't need it. The rug is quite heavy as it is.

I tried to mix the colours up as best as I could.
Now where shall I put it? It would brighten up my cheerless living room ;o))  but the carpet is already pattened so it looks kind of lost on there.
It goes very well on the dark carpet in the bathroom. Nice and soft to step onto when I get out of the bath, and it wouldn't get wet, because I keep the water in the bath and don't slosh over the sides. Yes, I like it there.
Or should I put it next to the bed on top of the plain green carpet. Also nice to step out of bed onto it. Oh, I don't know, can't make my mind up.
I am very pleased with my creation, it looks lovely, and it cost almost nothing. I already had the backing, and the teeshirts and sweatshirts. Most were mine, old and worn out, some were given to me by a friend who had a clear out, and a couple are what I bought for 20p each at a car boot sale. 
Would I make another one? Well probably not at the moment. It is a good way to pass the time when one is banged up indoors, but it is a lot of work, which although is monotonous, is sort of therapeutic. I switched off and listened to the radio whilst I was working on it. Now I've got to think of something else to do, time to move on and keep busy. Toodle pip.  

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