Saturday, January 26, 2013

I'm getting there. Rug update.

Here's a progress report on the raggy rug. It is sometimes called a peg rug, or peg mat. It has grown quite a bit over the last week, and I am getting close to the edges. My kitchen floor has squares on it, which is usefull for checking if things are square or if they have gone off course. You think you are working in a straight line but when you check you can find it has gone all wonky.
At this stage I decided to turn under the edges using the squares as a guide. I tacked lengths of string across with a big needle, tying off the ends. All I need to do now is keep going and stop when I reach the edge. The string won't need to be removed. I reckon another week or two should do it.
I have found some information about making rag/peg rugs/mats. It's very interesting. It was taken from a crafting web site, but the link on this article appears not to be working, so thanks to Bradford District Council, we can read it here.
We had another heavy snowfall last night. The snow was piled up against the back door this morning, I had to free up the cat flap. It was funny watching Heidi try and walk across the garden, every time she put her paw down she sank six inches into it. This is a visiting cat, perched on the corner of the table outside the back door.
According to the news reports it's absolutely chaos on the roads. People abandoned their vehicles on long stretches of the M6 motorway last night. Mountain rescue teams were called in to rescue some of them in the worse affected areas in Lancashire. There are a lot of road closures due to high snow drifts, especially in Yorkshire and the Lake District. Even though I am keen to go out somewhere, I think I am better off staying here for the time being. I shall be hunkering down untill it has all gone away.
Anyway, lunch time, the last of the spinach in an omlette I think. Might make a pan of curry later, I've got some peppers and a swede to use up. Have a nice weekend. Toodle pip.

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