Monday, January 21, 2013

Walking in a winter wonderland

Cor blimey, picture uploading has been slow tonight. Tried to do them en block, but blogger wouldn't have it, so had to resort to doing them one at a time. Watching that line go across the bottom is like watching flippin paint dry. Not a very exciting day, we had more snow overnight, so there was more shovelling for me to do. I don't mind, the excercise is good for me. The drive is now clear again, but there's a big pile of snow up against the side of the house, and on the front lawn.
I didn't think the library would make it today, but I was pleased to see the van parked up outside the medical centre, so I went and changed my books. I took a few pics as I strolled through the village green. Looks kind of pretty now.
The path is covered, don't know if anyone will come and clear it again. The council have given us a box of salty grit to scatter on the paths, but I don't think there is enough to do the whole of this one.
The snow must have been blowing sideways to stick to the wall. The main road through the village has been cleared, the gritters have been through.
Definately no ball games going on at the moment. They're all hurtling down the hills on their toboggans.

Back home again, and I am trying to get on with the rug, but a certain puss cat called Heidi wants to play. The square is growing slowly, round and round I go. Need to cut some more fabric.
I've made a three day pan of veggie stew tonight with parsnips, carrots, onions, tin of tomatoes, and  pasta. That will save on the washing up. Toodle pip.

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