Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Finding a use for tiny scraps.

Hello, how are you all on this blustery Wednesday night, the trees are bending sideways here, I'm quite expecting one of them to fall and flatten my wonky garage. Which reminds me, I need to get in there and have a sort out when it gets a bit warmer. Always jobs to do.
This is a follow on post from the raggy rug. When I cut the fabric into strips I ended up with a whole pile of itty bitty pieces, too small to do anything with. I didn't want to throw them away, and found a use for them. I snipped them into tiny pieces and ended up with a bag of crumbs. I also found some bits of foam and added that to the mix. I could have added this to the compost heap, that wouldn't have been a waste, but no, I have an idea to make something usefull.
I've got a couple of curtain linings which I removed from the curtains because they were quite old. I made a big cushion and stuffed it with the crumbs. It measures 27inches by 26 inches.
Then I made a cover for it from a curtain that someone gave me. It's a cotton fabric so it's washable. Heidi decided I needed some help with the cotton, she thought it was great fun to pull it from the machine.
The finished cushion. I found a long white zip in my stash, so it will be easy to remove for washing. The filling is a bit heavy and needs shaking up every so often. Not bad at all for saying it cost nothing. Now I wonder which cat will bags it for a bed.
Briony asked if I stretched the mesh when I made the rug, I think she means on a frame. No I didn't Briony. It had quite a lot of give in it, so there was a bit of pulling it about as I was working on it, on the dining room table. When I hold it up the weight stretches it a bit, but it always springs back again as the mesh is flexible.
I've got to dash, I've got to call John on the Skype. He has a new webcam so maybe I will be able to see him now. Before I go, I've just remembered, I've had a long email from a new reader in Malaysia. Just to say I will reply asap, probably tomorrow.
Bye for now, Toodle pip.

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