Monday, January 14, 2013

Old fashioned accounting

Here we go, yes it's arrived. I was talking to John from Dont unplug your hub, this morning, on the Skype. He said, 'have you any snow yet, we've got three inches here'. 'Well you've got more than me', I replied, only a sprinkling here, maybe half an inch. As soon as we had finished our conversation I glanced out of the window and saw the huge white fluffy flakes coming down. Oh bother. This is the view from the back window.
And this is the view from the front window.
It stopped at about 4pm so I set to and brushed it off my car and cleared the driveway. Not many people bother to do that round here, but I don't like having to kick the snow off my boots just as I enter the front door. Besides, shovelling snow is good excercise.
So what have I been doing today? I've been number crunching. Because I am so mean and tight and frugal, I know where my money is going, and I know I have enough. I never run out of money because I always keep a bit by in a reserve fund for emergencies, and I save up for anything big that I need to pay for. I don't buy anything that I know I can't afford. I know how much I have coming in and I know how much my outgoings should be. Therefore I don't need to do any book keeping on my computer, because I have a pretty good idea in my head where I'm at.
About once a year I gather all my figures together and with pencil and paper I draw a simple chart on an A3 size piece of paper. Months across the top, and where my outgoings have gone, down the side. Then I go through bank statements, credit card statements, cheque stubs, utility bills, and other bills and invoices. Entering all the amounts in the appropriate columns. Then I can look at the complete picture for the last year, and have a good idea what I might be paying for in the following year. 
I seem to be doing well on all counts really. My car isn't costing me very much to run, I haven't worked out the depreciation, but if I put a bit of money aside now I should be able to afford to change it in 2 - 3 years time. I have money put aside for the vet should my cats need any treatment. I top up my pay as you go mobile with ten pounds once every 2 - 3 months. I don't need one of the new fangled all singing and dancing with bells and whistles, touch screen gadgets. A bog standard simple phone is all I need. 
I think some new specs will be on the cards for 2013, although I could probably keep on wearing the ones I have. I'll think about it in the spring, might treat myself. I'm feeling a bit flush actually, I have money to spend on holidays and days out, I can afford some treats now and then, even afford to put the heating on when I am really cold. Mind you I only give it a short blast. I am sitting here with a big dressing gown on over my leggins, two jog bottoms, three teeshirts, two sweatshirts, and the only thing that is cold is my nose, ha ha.
 My mortgage is small, my utilities are not very much at all, gas £173 a year, electricity £180 a year, water £139 a year. My broadband and home phone are a big cost, but I don't mind about that because they are high up on my priority list. I don't have a tele so save on the licence fee, I get to see programmes on the computer. 
All in all, if I carry on like I have been doing since I first retired three and a half years ago, I can see the future looking okeydokey. The rising cost of food is a bit of a concern, but I'm sure I can cope with that. How does everyone do their accounts, on the computer or on paper?
I'll leave you with this video, hope you like it ;o))

Are you doing it Your Way?    

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