Friday, January 4, 2013

Love my food

Blogger is still acting up, I've upoladed these pics in the HTML mode. Not ideal as it involves more faffing. Anyway, to continue with my eating diary. I shall only be doing this for the next few days by the way, so if you are getting a bit bored with it hang on in there, there won't be much more.
Breakfast today was bran flakes and a banana with soya milk. Lunch was cream crackers, cheddar cheese, and soft cheese spread. Followed by two fresh peaches, a few grapes and evaporated milk. By the way, the grapes weren't on a yellow sticker, but they are on special offer at tesco at the moment. I wouldn't buy them at full price.
I went out this afternoon, and was very good I didn't buy anything to nibble. I was hungry when I got back though and pinched a spoonful of peanut butter while I was waiting for dinner to cook. The mush you see top left is a kind of a stir fry. It's four sprouts chopped very small, four spring onions chopped, and a handfull of frozen sweetcorn. I cooked it in toasted sesame seed oil on the hob, added a splash of lemon juice and a big teaspoonful of garlic. That's the last of the pasta salad, plus five baby tomatoes. My cobbled together stir fry was delicious. By the way, I find it a lot easier to chop spring onions with a pair of scissors.  
Thought I would just put this one in here. I like garlic but I don't like faffing around with fresh cloves. In the past I have used dried granules, and garlic paste in a tube, but this in a jar is very easy to use, and at only £1 from the continental food section at Tesco, I think that's very reasonable. It says on the jar that it should be used within one month of opening, which I think I will do. In case I don't I shall freeze some of it in an ice cube tray.
This next bit will tell you how to save £1,000. Here is my latest little gadget, a new hearing aid, and it was free from the National Health.
The nice man at the hospital programmed it in for me on the computer, and I must say, I noticed an improvement straight away. My hearing was starting to get muffled with the old one, I felt it wasn't doing it's job properly. My neighbour knocks on the wall because I have the volume up pretty loud while watching programmes on the computer, and I wasn't catching all the words while listening to the radio. Hopefully all will be hunky dory now. I just need to test the effectiveness of it in a public building which is fitted with a loop system, to see if there is any improvement there. I don't know why some people elect to pay for a hearing aid when all they have to do is get a referral from their doctor to the audiology department. I only hope they don't start charging for this service. 
That's all for now, Toodle pip.  

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