Thursday, January 3, 2013

Just words, no pics

Well that's a bit of a hows your father isn't it! I'm all ready to upload a few pics, and the bloomin thing won't let me. Don't know what's going on, no little box to select a pic from file, bloomin daft blogger. I'm going to go off on a mardy now. Well alright, I'll jot a few words down while I'm here. Somebody is bound to want to know what I ate today.

Didn't take any pics of the food, so I'll describe it to you. Breakfast was porridge with a banana sliced up on top of it. Lunch was two slices of toast, two scrambled eggs, and some more tuna pasta salad. That filled me up so nothing more was needed until dinner, which was grilled salmon, and the rest of the pasta brocolli bake with extra sweetcorn added. Tonight I've had a few grapes. Oh, and I nibbled a couple of cream crackers while I was waiting for the salmon.

I had trouble dropping off to sleep last night, so I got up at quarter past midnight and warmed half a tin of rice pudding in the microwave, then carried on reading my book. Finally turned the light out at 1.30am. That's very unlike me, I am usually dead to the world from the moment my head hits the pillow, and I don't wake untill around 7am. No wonder I was falling asleep in the middle of the afternoon today.

Mind you I have been using my brain a lot today, I'm suffering from creativity overload. The new work of art is coming along, but I need to add some flames to it. No not real flames, I'm not going to set fire to it, some pretend flames. They've got to be orange and flickering, I'll work it out eventually. The little thingy I showed you yesterday has become one of five, no it wasn't a back scratcher. That bit has come together nicely, I'm pleased with it. It's the flames that's baffling me at the moment. Then I've got to add some dripping blood, and the windows aren't quite finished. I'll do a bit more tomorrow, that's before I go to the hospital to get my new hearing aid fitted. Pardon, what did you say :o)

I'll give the pic upload another try, just a minute. Nope still not working, no little box to find the file. I shall have to give it up as a bad job. Good night.

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