Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Stocking up on a frosty night

Hey, I'm back. What, you didn't know I've been missing, ha ha. I started writing this post at 5pm, and it's now gone 10pm. Well I had my dinner, and made the quick decision to get myself down to Tesco. My fridge is bare, no veg or salad left, and you know how I crave my fresh vegetables. I got there just before 8pm and had to hang around untill nearly 9pm for the best bargains.
The fruit and veg man was on his break, I kept my eye on the trolley and watched several people pick stuff up and put it down again because it had not been yellow stickered. I decided I would be first in line so waited for him to come back. Yipeee, it paid off. I got spinach, salad, parsnips, swede, fresh beetroot, cauliflower, peppers, broccoli, lettuce, milk, lychees, greek yogurt, watercress, and pancakes. There wasn't any reduced bread so I paid normal price of 99p for a seeded loaf. I also bought some grapes, and soya milk at the normal price, everything else had a yellow sticker. Total price I paid was £6.86, If you deduct the cost of the three full price items, that makes all the rest £3.92. An absolute bargain.   
It's been a right old murky day today, the fog hasn't really lifted very much at all. This is our village green, not very green at the moment. Someone has cleared the snow from the path, we have a lot of elderly people in this village, and a lot of them cut across here to go to the shop.
I took Lady dog for a walk, her owner Graham has gone off on one of his rambles with his pals.
The sun is making a half hearted attempt to shine through the mist here.
Coming back from the hills, we cut through the church yard, looks very spooky.
Looks like this angel has a hat on.
The next few photo's are of the bushes in my garden. I like how the frost clings to the edges of the leaves.

There aren't many berries left now, the birds have been scoffing them.

That's it, I'm off to bed. Good night.

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