Monday, December 31, 2012

2013 Bring it on !

Well here we are, the last day of the year. It's the time when people look back, and then look forward. I am a looking forward type of gal myself, with the ocassional look over my shoulder to see what went before. I don't think there's much point in fretting about all the things I should have done, or what I did do, but shouldn't have done. What's gone is gone, move on.

I am not going to make long lists of resolutions, probably won't make any resolutions at all, can't think of any at the minute. I have a few plans in mind, they may or may not happen, who knows.

As always, all I need to do is be happy within my own skin, and within my own head. I opt for a simple life, with me it's either or, black or white, it's the grey issues in the middle that bring me grief, I try and avoid those. I try and live an uncomplicated and stress free life. To be perfectly honest, there is only one thing that stresses me out, and you have all had a sample of this just recently. I get totally beside myself with grief when I hear about animal welfare issues. It's something I can't cope with, but I have to try. I shall continue with helping homeless cats, walking dogs, and donating to animal charities. I hope I make at least some animals lives a little better.

I will just add a little snippet of news to this bit, we rehomed two cats last week. They had been with us since March, and they are settling down just fine in their new forever home. And a bit of sad news, remember Jessica the blind dog that I used to walk, she died on Saturday night. I had an email from Julie, they have been living in Spain for the last six months, Jess was poorly for a while, it was age related. A lovely dog, full of fun and quirky ways, she had a fantastic home and a fantastic life, despite losing her sight. Much love to Jessie.

Not a lot else to say really, except I hope you have a very Happy New Year, don't get too drunk. I shall be at home with a glass of wine and my cats, probably reading a book. I hope that whatever you wish for in 2013 comes true, do your best to make it happen. Thank you for reading my blog. Now have a laugh at my little video, OMG the facial expressions !!! Not rehearsed, off the top of my head, and I didn't get tarted up. What you see is what you get, ha ha.  Toodle pip. See you next year.

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