Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Time will heal

Thank you all my lovely readers for your hugs and best wishes, I can feel the warmth of your kind hearts in your comments. Reading your words has certainly helped me today.

Today my distraughtness has passed and I am feeling very sad. You have probably worked out by now that my love for animals is always on my mind. When they hurt I feel hurt, when they are sad I am sad.
There have been a few more pictures of Rocky just lately because I have been looking after him a bit more often. It has been wonderful to see the happy little fella enjoying himself on his outings with me. When I think back to how he was before, a sad little dog hardly ever going out of his garden, it made me very sad to see him through the fence. Now our walks have suddenly come to a halt, his owner has taken him back.

I have been walking him for about two years, I thought things might come to a head eventually. I suppose I have pushed my luck at times, keeping him longer than I ought to. His owner fell out with me once before but things calmed down and I was able to start seeing him again. But for now I have to play the waiting game. I have asked several times if she would let him stay with me but she says no, he belongs to her daughter. I am stuck really.

There is a lot more to the story which I can't go into here, so please don't ask me any questions about it. All I can say is that little Rocky has stolen my heart. I wish I wasn't so damn soppy about animals, but I am, and it causes me such a lot of heartache. I have to try and keep busy and get on with things, but it's hard when all I can think about is his little face and his waggy tale. Maybe I am still feeling a bit distraught, but I have to try and get over it. Time will heal, hopefully. But at the moment I can't stop crying.

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