Saturday, December 15, 2012

Lunch at the deer park

It was a nice morning so I went to the park. Six large deer had come quite close to the fence so I stood watching them for a while. They were looking towards the gate in the corner of the field, like they were waiting for something to happen.
Aha, that's it. At 12 o clock a tractor turned up and the ranger scattered some sugar beet around. They were waiting for their lunch.
The tractor went away, and came back with a lot more deer following it.
More sugar beet was scattered.
They are mainly red deer, with a few fallow deer, and some that looked like Bambi. I asked the ranger about them. She said they feed them in this corner of the field on a Saturday and Sunday at 12 o clock, when Santa is here. This corner is next to the miniature railway which opens at midday, and the children gather for their turn on the ride round the track. The mums and dads ride with the children and there are plenty of ooh's and aah's and finger pointing when they go past the deer. It must seem magical to them to see Santa's deer so close.  
Then they started drifting away.
And then there was one. What a beauty.
Goodnight. God bless the children.

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