Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Keeping busy

Thank you for your comments on yesterday's post, even though it turned into a bit of a bun fight. Because I chose not to give out all the details some of the assumptions were incorrect. However, that is to be expected. Today Rocky is not outside, so he must be inside, so that's a good thing. Anyway, I have made an effort today to keep busy, as I believe that when something is troubling you, the best way of dealing with it is distractions, and that means filling your time doing something else.

First job of the day was cleaning litter boxes, they are getting a bit smelly. Get them out on the back yard, scrub with hot soapy water, dry with an old rag, and make sure they are bone dry by wafting over them with a hairdryer. Refill with litter.

Next job was to return a power drill I borrowed from my friend two streets away. Luckily Irene was just making a cup of coffee for her neighbour who had popped in, so I joined them for a bit of a chinwag.
Janet who lives next door was having a bit of bother with her car number plate coming adrift, so I ran home and came back with some extremely sticky double sided tape to fix it. It seems to be stuck down alright now, lets hope it stays that way after getting a drenching in the rain. 
Lunch was a bowl of veggie stew which I made last night, and I've also had some for my dinner tonight. There is still some left for tomorrows lunch, four meals out of some reduced carrots, sprouts, beans, and potatoes, with a tin of tomatoes, some frozen sweetcorn, and an onion added. 
After lunch I went into town to the big library. I am struggling to find any interesting books in the mobile library, they don't seem to get many new books in. Far more choice here. 
Here is a list of my books.
Home to Roost, by Tessa Hainsworth. A story about putting down roots in Cornwall. 
Hrecules and the Farmers Wife, by Chris Wadsworth. About a Cumbrian art gallery.
Time to Say Hello. Autobiography of Katherine Jenkins.
Art For Dummies. Discover how to look at art like an expert.
Natural. Simple Land Art Through the Seasons, by Marc Pouyet.
And last but not least....The Quick Experts Guide to Writing a Blog. Ha ha.
I spent an hour reading all the newspapers, enjoying a share of their central heating. It was a lovely treat. It was dark when I came out.
Not many shoppers left in the town. This is the Light up a Life tree. People pay for a light on the tree, in memory of a loved one who has passed away. The money goes to Lindsey Lodge Hospice.
A few coloured lights about. Looks like a mini Blackpool Illuminations.
The church in the centre of town is our art gallery. The new modern entrance building to the right has been added onto the church itself. It has a tree with blue lights on in the courtyard.
Back home for 5.30pm. Now I'm going to look at my books.

Almost forgot to mention. We rehomed two cats on Monday. They are the second two kittens from my cat Heidi, only they are not kittens any more. Two brothers, they have gone to a lovely home.
Toodle pip.

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