Monday, December 24, 2012

Hanging around paid off

Oh dear, I didn't notice the time. I'd better write a few words before I retire to beddybyes. Got a bit absorbed with watching old sitcoms on Yootoob, can't beat a bit of old fashioned humour. Remember The Liver Birds, and Keeping up Appearances. Mr Bean is another good laugh, they're all on there.

I did the dash to Tesco tonight, had to hang around till 7pm though to get the real bargains. I got there a bit too early really, but didn't want to miss out by being too late. I was struggling at first to find things which were cheap enough, then I spotted the man on fruit and veg with the ticket machine and bingo, I was on to a winner. My fridge is now full to bursting. Total shop was £20

Just a few examples, mushrooms were 97p down to 10p, sprouts were 75p down to 8p, prawn cocktail £2 down to 50p, houmous £1.10 down to 11p, prepared pineapple £1.40 down to 14p, casserole veg £1.50 down to 15p, salmon fish cakes £2.63 down to 63p, steamed salmon £4 down to £1, salad in bags £1 down to 10p, fruit pies £1.80 down to 45p, and lots of other stuff. I've got loads of veg, I quite fancy a veg curry for tomorrow, will make a change from stew.

I've been drinking some more of the red wine tonight, but this time I mixed it with red berry juice. It made quite a nice fruit punch.

It's been raining here most of the day, so I've made a start on the next painting project. Remember the car body panel that looks like wings. It's had a couple of coats of paint and I've made a rough drawing of what I want to put on it. I was going to go outside in the back garden to repair a broken table/work bench, but couldn't because of the rain. That job will have to wait untill we get a dry day.

Anyway, I'll take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. I haven't been able to post comments on all your blogs, I may get round to it eventually. Have a good day whatever you are doing.
Good night.

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