Thursday, December 27, 2012

Eat plenty of greens.

Nothing very exciting is happening here at the moment, so you'll have to forgive me for posting more pictures of food. This is my lunch. A piece of salmon, yellow sticker 50p. The last of the prawn cocktail, on a bed of watercress and a sliced mushroom. Lovely jubbly, nice and healthy, and cheap.
Dinner tonight was the beans left over from last night, they were hard, and some sprouts. I love sprouts.
I bought a tub of houmous for 11p.
Scoop a bit out and stick a sprout on my fork. Fabulous.
Followed by fresh pineapple and yogurt. Delissshhhhhh.

This morning I put the posters up about the found pussycat, some in shop windows, others pinned to telegraph poles. Let's hope someone might come forward to claim the cat

I've cooked up another two bags of prepared vegetables and made a big pan of curry for the freezer. They needed using up before they went off. Should be another six or seven portions there.

We are nearly at the end of another year, where has it gone. It's a time for looking back and for making plans for the next year. I would like some more days out and holidays, where did I go this year? Whitby, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Sherwood Forest, Scampton, Long walk Morecambe to Humber Bridge, Flamborough Head, Bradford, Earby, Blenheim Palace, London, visit Carol near Alton, party at John's near Bognor, Portsmouth, Arundal, Chichester, Crowden, Long walk Ellesmere Port to Bakewell, and lots of local walks. My new year resolution is going to be, go out more.
Toodle pip.

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