Friday, December 28, 2012

Organised food.

Now I have eight pots of home made vegetable curry, which cost very little due to the veg being reduced. All this lot for under £1. I have divided it up into different size pots, the bigger ones can be eaten as a snack type lunch on their own, and the smaller ones can be added to something else to make a bigger meal. They have to be taken out of these pots and put into a microwaveable bowl for cooking, or they can be heated on the plate they are to be eaten off.
I've put together a few items which can be added to the curry to make a decent meal. I keep my portions quite small when I am eating something like this, it isn't necessary to pile your plate up with mounds of rice or pasta. Sometimes I do a potato in the microwave, cut it up on a plate and put the curry on the top. For a lunch I might make a cuppa soup, and pour it over the warmed up curry just before eating it. To bulk out curry or any kind of stew I use porridge oats and sultanas. There is wholemeal pasta and brown rice, cous cous, sweetcorn, baked beans, or any beans you have. 
I always buy Nescafe instant coffee because I like it, but sometimes I can't find any on special offer. So what I have done is to buy a cheaper alternative and now I am going to mix it 50/50, and keep my eyes open for when Nescafe comes on offer again. Actually the Maxwell House isn't too bad, there is only a slight difference, and it's quite a bit cheaper. I wouldn't buy any other make to do this though, because some of the very cheap coffee is absolutely awful.
Here is my lunch for today. I have some eggs which need using up, so what I've done is to fry some mushrooms in a little toasted sesame seed oil, added some garlic puree, then when it is cooked break two eggs into it and keep stirring till they are scrambled. It doesn't look too appetising because the eggs go a mucky colour, but it tastes delicious. Serve on a bed of watercress and salad.  
Just before I go, you might like to take a look at a great programme on the BBC iplayer, I've just watched it and it's very interesting, all about the little areoplanes that fly around the Scottish Islands, and the people who work on them. The landing on the beach at Barra is awsome, it's the only airport in the world where planes land on the beach. I want to go there. Girls, take a look at the dishy pilot with Logan Air on the back of his yellow vest. Wow, even better than George Clooney. And there's a lovely lady pilot as well, one for the fellas. I can't find this on Yootoob, so I'm sorry if you can't access this link. There are English sub titles.

I've found a short video of the beach landing if you are interested.

Toodle pip.

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