Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Cat rescue AGM

I've just been printing some posters for a cat that has been found wandering in the next village. A young man rang me and asked if we could take it in. We can't at the moment so I said I would put these posters up to try and find the owner. It has been wandering for just over two weeks, so it might not be a stray, maybe it just goes walkabout sometime. I'll go and put the posters up in the morning. 
This is the base coat going on for my wing thing. I'll call it wing thing but it won't have wings. I found out this morning as I started to add another colour, that it's not a good idea to paint over the top of it in yellow. It is taking several coats to cover the darker blue. Oh well, too late now. I am aiming for boldness and contrast so I will have to carry on with it, and do several layers of the lighter paint.
I had a lovely afternoon today, in the company of Janet and Sue, at Janets house. Paul her husband joked that we were having an AGM for the cat rescue, ha ha. A good chinwag, a nice glass of sherry and a piece of Christmas cake went down a treat.  
Tonights dinner was cheap, quick, and easy. Didn't feel like cooking so I warmed this in the microwave. Three vegetables reduced to 63p, from £2.50. Six minutes, then ping, then add some grated cheese. There was rather a lot, well it is four portions so the box says. I left some of the beans because they were a bit too hard, I will put them in the steamer tomorrow night with some sprouts.
Toodle pip.

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