Blimey, I nearly didn't get to post tonight, the broadband connection was playing up, it's been doing that just lately, ever since Orange has changed it's name to EE. I ask you, what a silly name. The letter I received says, 'it's the same great broadband you had before'. Same my arse, it keeps disappearing. I am supposed to have four green lights on my router, with a fifth flickering intermittently. The flickering stops when it feels like it and the only thing I can do to get it started again is to shut the whole caboodle down, leave it five minutes, and start up again. What a pain.
Anyway, I am in a mood, this is not the best time of year for me. I hate the countdown to the 25th, that Christmas thingy is so boring, same every year, the whole shebang is in your face whichever way you turn. Let's just get it over with and move on. It's boring, boring, boring, bah flippin humbug.
I thought I would tackle the spare room, it needs sorting, de cluttering, and re arranging. This used to be my warehouse for my Mr Puss business. At one time this room was full of stock, now it's full of mostly crafting stuff and other bits and bobs. I have sorted four boxes and two carrier bags full to go to the charity shop tomorrow. Stuff I don't want, stuff I don't need. I am sure I will feel better when I have finished it, it's the getting started which I have a problem with at the moment.
I had the rest of the veg stew for my lunch today and this was my dinner tonight. Salad leaves, mushrooms, cottage cheese, potato salad, and a large portion of my home made pea hummus. Couldn't be bothered to cook, need to eat the salad leaves, I have three bags of it. I'll be looking like a rabbit soon, ha ha.
Think I'll get off to bed and read a bit. Best place to be in this cold weather. Good night.
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