Friday, December 7, 2012

Freebies in town

I went off to town this morning to get my ears tested. It's always difficult to park near the hospital so I park at Sainsbury's and walk the fifteen minutes to the out patients department. The nice young lady showed me the results of the test on the screen, my hearing has deteriorated a little bit since the last test four years ago, so she is going to get me a new hearing aid. That will be good, all free of course. It will take about ten days.
As I was on that side of town I drove down the High Street and delivered my load of no longer needed stuff, to the Hospice Shop. They were chuffed. I popped to a couple of shops for a few bits and bobs. It was busy as usual for a Friday. A lot of music outside the bank caught my attention. What's going on here then? They have recently had a refit and this is the official opening. It's all posh inside now. The counters don't have glass screens any more, it's all open plan. Don't know what would happen if a robber rushed in with a gun, seems a bit too laid back for my liking. Spose they know what they are doing.
There was free balloons for the kiddywinks, and the ladies with the bags were dishing out free biscuits and jelly beans, very nice.
I went inside to withdraw some cash. Would you like some hot chocolate, this young lady asked. Thank you, I like free drinks, I replied.
Oooh look, there is my blog award trophy, must get a pic of that. Nice of you to get it out for the presentation. How did you know I was coming? Say's me thinking out loud, ha ha.
There was a nice young lady with a camera taking everyones picture, and by the time you walk to the back of the shop it is printed and ready for collection, free of course.
Boy was it flippin cold. Let me get back home and put my layers on. Toodle pip.

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