Monday, December 10, 2012

Using up every last scrap

Oh dear, Lucie has asked for the recipe for Pea Soup. Hello Lucie, I guess you haven't been reading me for very long, it's just that I erm.....don't do recipes. All my meals are made up, I just throw in whatever I have and hope it comes out sort of edible. Let's see if I can remember what I put in it. Well, there was peas, a 1kg bag of frozen mushy peas. Then I think I put in some turmeric, black pepper, toasted sesame seed oil, veg stock cube. Can't think of anything else, you could put in whatever you like. I simmered it for 30 minutes like it said on the packet, then zapped it with the stick blender. I only bought the peas because they were cheap, I won't be buying such a big bag again, will stick to tinned mushy peas in future.
I don't seem to be getting much done at the moment, the days are very short, and I cannot get my arse into gear and hurry up with anything. I can be the worst idler at times. I don't get out of bed till after nine in the mornings, there's half the day gone for a start. Then I potter about flitting from one little job to the next. I'm still sorting the spare room, it's looking a bit better, and it's less cluttered. I found some off cuts of the gazebo roof I found in a skip. Do you remember, I made a lot of shopping bags out of it, about twelve I think. I still use the bags every time I go shopping, they are brilliant and very strong. I got a bit fed up of making them and the bits I had left got pushed to one side and got lost.
I think I can get two more bags out of the pieces I have left. This will make one bag......
and hopefully I will get another bag out of this higgledy piggledy lot of odd shapes. So this is my challenge, will I get a shopping bag out of these pieces? I shall give it a go, I don't want to throw them away.
Toodle pip.

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