Sunday, December 16, 2012

Feeling festive

There was a trip down to Burton on Trent on the cards for today, to visit family, but it didn't materialise. Sis rang up last night so say they had snotty noses and sore throats, so I decided to give it a miss. I try to keep away from people who are walking germ factories. I rang Uncle Stan to cancel my visit, I was supposed to call in and see them as well. Aunty Pat answered the phone and said, I'm pleased about that because I've had the vomiting bug and don't really feel up to any visitors. Fair enough.  
I really wanted to get out for the day so I rang cousin Kerry in Nottingham to see if she fancied a visitor. Luckily she said, yes come on down. Bit of a cheek to ask I know, but in our family we don't wait to get invited, we just turn up.
We had a walk in the park to work up an appetite. A Christmassy dinner was served, Carols were playing, and the tree was lit up with coloured lights.
Tuck in everyone. Two people requested that their mush was not published on my blog, I think they are a bit shy, so here we have the back of someone's head, and one eye peeping into the frame.
Well that's my Christmas done and dusted. It was a lovely day. Toodle pip.

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